Another day on the Bronco beat, and there's still nothing fr..."/> Another day on the Bronco beat, and there's still nothing fr..."/>

Woody’s woody in a pickle


Another day on the Bronco beat, and there’s still nothing fresh to report. Instead of telling you that every sports outlet in America is picking the boys to finish second to San Diego in the division, I’ll throw around a lot of gossip (and even a few facts!) on the Denver media.

First off is Woody Paige. Last week in The Dailies I mentioned Woody’s column in which he suggested that John Elway should tutor Jay Cutler on the ways of the samurai quarterback. Well, a day later The Big Lead reported that Woody was named in a sexual harassment suit filed by one of his underlings on that unbearable Cold Pizza program. Woody has now responded to the Associated Press, and the Denver Post is in the oh-so-savory position of having to report upon the alleged hanky-panky of one of its own employees.

I read the actual paper version of the Post most every day, and I have not seen anything from Woody since all this came out. Nor does anything beyond the Elway/Cutler dispatch appear in Woody’s archives on the Post‘s site. Is he suspended? If the suit has merit, will he be fired? Denver sports fans deserve better writing than we get from the likes of Woody, Mark Kiszla and Bernie Lincicome.

The Post was also embroiled in another national sports-media controversy, as hockey scribe Adrian Dater lost his cool recently concerning ESPN (you’ll need to dig through the link a bit to get to the original blog post, as the Post has removed it). I can’t decide if I respect Dater’s stance or if I think it’s just a sour-grapes rant from an underpaid fishwrap hack. I’m pretty sure he wishes he could take it back.

And we all wait around for camp(s). Apparently there’s one of the mini- variety next week and the big enchilada from Dove Valley near the end of the month…get here already.