Are John Elway, Broncos done making trades? Not so fast


The Denver Broncos struck a trade with the San Francisco 49ers, bringing Vernon Davis to the Mile High City, but will that be all she wrote for John Elway?

Not so fast…

John Elway got a pretty devious grin on his face when asked about the potential that the team might be done trading, but even before that question, he offered this statement:

“I’d rather not get into that, but it culminated today,” Elway said. “Obviously with the trade deadline coming up tomorrow, things get a little busier now. There are still other things going on, so who knows what’s going to happen. We’re glad that we were able to get the deal done.”

That answer was in response to a question of when trade talks with the 49ers regarding Vernon Davis started up, but the last bit of information there that Elway offered was originally unsolicited.

What exactly did he mean by that? Does he mean there are still other things going on with the Vernon Davis trade or with the deadline coming up tomorrow? A reporter seemed to catch on to the last part of what he’d just said, and fired away the question of whether or not the Broncos were done making deals…

“I don’t know. We’ll have to see,” Elway said with a huge grin on his face.

I have a sneaking suspicion Mr. Elway might still be up to something.

There’s reason to believe that to be true. The major trade chatter thus far has centered around pass rushers, tight ends, and offensive linemen. It was rumored on Sunday that the Cleveland Browns were listening to offers for offensive linemen Joe  Thomas and Alex Mack.

It’s more than reasonable to assume the Broncos were at least one of the teams calling about offensive line help.

Whether or not the Broncos are able to come to an agreement on a deal remains to be seen. It wouldn’t seem enough to try and trade a late 1st round pick for an All-Pro caliber player like Joe Thomas, but perhaps the Broncos could use their depth at wide receiver, maybe in the form of Cody Latimer, to entice Cleveland to let go of an elite blocker.

Whatever the case, and I’m not saying anything is for certain, but with the news that Ty Sambrailo will miss the rest of the season due to shoulder surgery, acquiring a top flight left tackle when as good of one as Thomas is available would seem to make plenty of sense.

If not Joe Thomas, the Broncos could set their sights on San Francisco’s Joe Staley or Seattle’s Russell Okung, since both have also been mentioned in trade rumors.

The trade deadline is Tuesday afternoon.