ESPN’s Jemele Hill threw some serious shade on Peyton Manning


If you watch any national sports shows, it’s easy to see that people aren’t overly high on Peyton Manning right now. In fact, it seems like national media has been flat out eager for the Denver Broncos quarterback’s eventual decline, and seeing him play poorly in the season opener against (a very, very good) Baltimore Ravens defense was apparently all the ammunition they needed in order to cover him with a massive umbrella of shade.

In particular, ‘His and Hers’ host Jemele Hill went in on Manning, saying — among other things — that he is ‘washed’ and that while he’s mentally there, physically he’s basically done. She has some real interesting quotes in this video, which I hope is watched by all Broncos fans and immediately responded to with a nice little Twitter note to Hill and Michael Smith for this absolute joke of a segment on their show.

We’ve all seen Manning’s decline in productivity dating back to last season, but this is simply out of hand. Even Michael Smith laughed at the stupidity of the word ‘washed’ that was used to describe a future Hall of Fame quarterback.

Peyton Manning has — at the very least — earned more respect than he’s being given in this bit by Smith and Hill, something they’re apparently blissfully unaware of as their unwatchable show continues to take up air space in ESPN’s lineup.

At one point in the video, Smith and Hill are laughing at Manning and joking about his physical decline, and Hill pulled out a GREAT one-liner.

“Defenses are like, ‘You know what we hear? It’s called the jig. It’s up.'”

I guess if what you need to do in order to get people to watch your show is make fun of Peyton Manning, then keep after it. If asked about it, I’m sure Manning would have know idea because he probably doesn’t care, but he is tiring a bit of the drivel coming from media lately.

At practice on Tuesday, he created his own ‘injury report’ for the local writers and people who cover the team for their respective news outlets. Perhaps ESPN’s Hill is vocalizing what a lot of people want to say but have the decency not to because of the fact that they respect Manning and what he’s done not only for the league, but for what he stands for as a man and the way he’s always treated the media.

This is a new low for ESPN, and a bunch of garbage from one of their most pathetic shows on air. Jemele Hill should be ashamed of the way she talked about Manning on the platform she’s been given. It’ll be fun watching her eat crow as this season progresses.

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