Super Bowl: Will Patriots QB Tom Brady Retire If They Win?


Super Bowl week is underway in Arizona, and the focal point for most has been the story surrounding deflated footballs with the New England Patriots, and whether or not Richard Sherman and Earl Thomas will play. Hopefully as the week progresses, we’ll get to talk more about the actual game itself, but all this time of being angry at the Patriots and I hadn’t really given much thought to something that I think you’ll want to think about as well.

If the New England Patriots win the Super Bowl, would quarterback Tom Brady retire?

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Brady proclaimed this year that he’s not going to retire until he ‘sucks’ which is clearly not happening anytime soon, at least as far as we can see. Brady is playing as high quality of football as I can remember seeing him play in terms of distributing the football, knowing his team’s strengths, and playing to them.

No surprise, the Pats are representing the AFC in the playoffs and are being accused of — and vehemently denying — cheating. Because, well, that’s what the Patriots apparently do.

Regardless of what we think about the Patriots as rivals of the Broncos, cheaters, tools, or what have you, there’s no question this is a strong football team that deserves to be where they are at based on ability, perhaps not so much based on moral standards. But what if the Patriots wind up beating the Seahawks? At this point, it seems like that’s not entirely impossible considering how poorly the Seahawks played for 57 minutes against the Green Bay Packers in the NFC Championship game, and how dominant the Patriots have been since the early portion of the 2014 season.

Since Brady has not won the Super Bowl since 2004 — funny how most people choose to ignore that fact — it would be interesting to see what he would do with his long-term future should the Patriots win this game. They would have defeated the best defense — in my opinion — in NFL history and Brady would have four championships as a starting quarterback in the NFL, MVP awards, and basically more hardware than he could likely keep up with. What would he have left to play for? We all already know his wife makes way more money than he does, so money is clearly not an issue. If Brady feels like he needs to go back for another shot at it after this Super Bowl, you would naturally assume it was because he lost this game.

If he wins the game, I think there’s at least a decent chance Brady would retire and leave the Patriots in the hands of young Jimmy Garoppolo. Even if he does win, though, you have to think that Brady would be chomping at the bit for more. As a competitor, you would hate to leave the game if you feel you still have something left to give, but there is something to be said about going out on top and if Brady has that option, I wonder how long he would consider taking it.