Von Miller Reveals Nickname for He and DeMarcus Ware

On Friday night, I was able to conduct an exclusive interview with Denver Broncos linebacker Von Miller. The whole interview will be published eventually, but I figured you’d all appreciate this bit of news and the answer to a question that I’ve been dying to know…

What is the nickname for the new pass rush duo of Von Miller and DeMarcus Ware? He filled me in.

“The Karate Kid [and], Mr. Miyagi.”


Let’s hope there is some type of reciprocating dance move after a sack that these two have planned. Fans have grown accustomed to Von’s hilarious antics after he gets a sack, and this could provide an entertaining new theme.

Just based on my personal guess, I’m going to say Miller is the Karate Kid and Ware is Mr. Miyagi.

So there you have it Broncos Country. What do you think of the nickname?
