One of the famous barrels that Tim “Barrel Man” McKernan wore at Denver Broncos games for more than 30 years sold for $2,550 on eBay.
McKernan passed away in 2009, but his wife makes sure that his presence is felt year round in Broncos Country.
In Pro Football Talk’s comment section of this story, one reader said this about Barrel Man:
"I remember when I used to go to Raider games and he and one of the guys in the Black Hole had some bantering over the internet. He swore up and down he would, not only attend a Raiders game, but wear the barrell and sit in the Black Hole. The barrell guy was true to his word and “sat” in the Black Hole surrounded by the enemy. Such was the respect that no one laid a finger on him."
I’m sure the Broncos will buy one of his barrels to keep in their “Hall of Fame.”
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