Thursday, July 26th was a major milestone for diehard Bronco fans across the globe! As the sun rose last..."/> Thursday, July 26th was a major milestone for diehard Bronco fans across the globe! As the sun rose last..."/>

Make It Through Bronco Off-Season – Check!


Thursday, July 26th was a major milestone for diehard Bronco fans across the globe! As the sun rose last Thursday, it officially marked the end of the off-season and the true beginning of the 2012 Bronco season.  Like a little kid on Christmas morning, I was so excited to get things underway that it was almost unbearable.  Unfortunately, my work schedule didn’t allow me to make a trip to Denver for opening day, or even take the day off from work to monitor training camp live via the internet.  Due to the popularity of Peyton Manning and the high expectation and hope he has instilled in Bronco Country, I was able to get my Bronco fill on Predominantly Orange, ESPN, and the NFL Network once I returned home from a busy workday.  I thoroughly enjoyed former Bronco Tom Jackson’s interview with Peyton Manning as I sat at home enjoying a couple of Colorado microbrews to bring in the season in true Colorado fashion.  However, I would have liked to have had a conversation with Scott Hanson of the NFL Network about wearing red to Dove Valley; orange would have been much more appropriate.  I understand the Broncos’ leadership has many things on their plate, and dictating clothing color of the media is not one of them.  As a diehard Bronco fan, my favorite colors are orange and blue – everything else is useless, especially if it is a color of a rival.  The only good thing about red is that you get orange when you mix it with yellow.

So, the season has started, and the long journey is underway.  As mentioned earlier, expectations and hopes are high like they usually are at the beginning of every season, but this year seems different.  I guess having an established, future hall of fame quarterback behind center, and the exciting Steelers playoff win still fresh in our minds, will do that to a fan base.  Many variables will dictate how the Broncos’ season will go this year – the quarterback play being only one of those variables.  Regardless of how the season goes, considering how the last few months have gone, it is going to be tremendous fun to watch the story unfold before our very eyes.

Even though the Broncos’ first regular season game is over a month away, it will be here before you know it.  Until then, I will anxiously watch the Broncos to see how the team, and individual players perform; hoping they stay injury free – a key to the “practice games.”

Who knows what is going to happen over the next five months?! All I know for sure is that the 2012 Bronco season has started; and man, what an awesome feeling that is!

Go Broncos – good luck in 2012!

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