Broncos Look To Captains To Anchor


Eric Studesville (gosh, it’s still taking time for my fingers to get used to typing that) met with his captains this morning. 

That means he met with Champ Bailey, Brian Dawkins, Kyle Orton, Daniel Graham, Chris Kuper, and Wesley Woodyard

Since Studesville was primarily the running backs coach and hasn’t had much interaction with certain players, it was a chance for the leaders of the team to get to know the interim head coach.

“Some of those guys don’t know me very well so it’s chance for me to talk with them other than a casual conversation,” Studesville said Wednesday morning.

Kyle Orton said that despite knowing the coach for just a short period of time, it’s clear that there isn’t much smoke and mirrors to the man.

“I’ve just known him this year. What you see is what you get. He’s straight forward. He doesn’t mince words too much,” Orton said.

It’s obvious that Studesville is excited and ready to get to work, but he’s also not accustomed to dealing with the day-to-day operations that a head coach is responsible for. That’s why meeting with the captains was so important.

“This is a tremendous veteran group of captains here,” Studesville said. “I’m going to lean on them. I told them that. I need them to lead. We need them to lead more so than they have to this point in time because we all need it.”

Orton is aware of the fact that Studesville will be looking to them to lead this team.

“It was getting to know coach, getting to see what his plan for the next four weeks are, and basically just the captains saying ‘lean on us’,” Orton said of Wednesday’s meeting.

Orton basically took the words right out of Bill Withers’ mouth.

“Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.”

And carry on the Broncos will.

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