Good for Todd Haley for apologizing to Denver Broncos coach Josh McDaniels in his Monday press conference. The childish scolding Haley quickly delivered to McDaniels after yesterday’s game in Denver was a disgrace, and Haley, now that his emotions have cooled, apparently realizes it.
“I probably let emotions of the situation get me too much,” Haley said.
And, granted, after the egg his Chiefs laid on the field at Mile High Sunday, there’s no doubt his emotions were moving full-steam ahead.
McDaniels is a young coach, and while you wouldn’t know it watching one of his press conferences, he wears his emotions on his sleeve. Last year, when his team beat New England in Denver, cameras caught him fist pumping in celebration–later in the year, against the Giants, he was caught swearing at his offensive line on the bench. This may not be entirely appropriate for an NFL head coach, especially one who hasn’t been able to back up his emotional displays with many victories on the field.
Word has it that McDaniels chest-bump with a Denver receiver late in the game on Sunday is what set Haley off. Couple the show of emotion with a very aggressive, wire-to-wire gameplan, and you have a pretty explanation as to why Haley reacted the way he did.
The good news is it’s done with. And, with a pair of new-ish coaches in the division displaying their passion, maybe we have the rebirth of a rivalry that’s been on hold of late due to the general irrelevance of both teams.