NFL Observations And Broncos Preseason Game #2


Before I get into what to watch for in tonight’s preseason game against the Seahawks, I want to go over a few observations I’ve made about the NFL in general:

Brett Favre’s transition from a light green jersey to a dark green jersey to a purple jersey works about as well as Tom DeLay’s transition from politician to reality star on Dancing with the Stars.

– I’m surprised the Raiders haven’t tried to sign Usain Bolt.

– A great prank would be to have Redskins tight end, Chris Cooley, take a picture of his butt and plaster it all over that giant video screen at the new Cowboys Stadium when the Redskins come to town. I don’t think he would have a problem doing it either.

– Forget “Hide Your Beagle, Vick is an Eagle. Remember “Protect Your Jaw, Tom Cable Ignores the Law.”

Chad Ochocinco’s next name change: Chad Vinatieri?

– I’m thinking that the Giants will have a better season than the Colts, but Peyton will always have more respect than Eli.

– The Detroit Lions are going to win one game this year: The one against the Rams

Now what to watch for in tonight’s game:

– The QB “non-battle” could actually become more interesting this week. Another 2 or 3 INTs from Kyle Orton would force Josh McDaniels to give Chris Simms’ arm another gander.

– Keep an eye on Wesley Woodyard. His practices have been very good lately, and I think he’ll make a couple of big plays tonight against Hasselbeck.

– The first stringers probably won’t see as much action as they did in their first preseason game against the 49ers. The team will really be evaluating the backups since the roster needs to be slimmed soon. Yes, I know McD is going for the win, but I don’t think he wants to see any more injuries either.

Alphonso  Smith on kick returns. He’s becoming more comfortable with the position at the pro level, and he’s got the speed/quickness to do some damage.

– McD’s use of Brandon Stokley and Tony Scheffler in the offense. McD sees Stokley as another Wes Welker while Scheffler’s size and good hands make him a huge threat in the red zone.

– Either LaMont Jordan or Peyton Hillis to throw a pass. I might be more comfortable with that than Orton pulling the trigger.

Brett Kern and Britton Colquitt have been booming the ball in practice. Despite not being at 5280 ft. above sea level, their punts should go the distance.

Go Broncos!!