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Barrel Of Fun In The AFC West


New England Patriots Draft just posted a piece comparing NFL teams to amusement park attractions. According to them, the Denver Broncos are the 2009 favorite for the carnival game team.

"“These teams are pretty fun to watch, whether that be for a certain personality or football reason. But when you really look at it, it is pretty hard for them to win unless you change something pretty drastic.2008 Winner: Cincinnati2009 Possibilities: Jacksonville, Cleveland, Kansas City, Washington, Seattle, Cincinnati, San Francisco2009 Favorite: Denver”"

Because the AFC West was so terrible last year, it shouldn’t be too hard to compare the other three teams to amusement park attractions.

Kansas City Chiefs – The Carousel

Like riders on a carousel, fans got the impression that they were riding away on a horse to a better place, but ultimately their team just went round and round the loss column.

Oakland Raiders- The Freak Show

Al Davis always tries to gather a bunch of rarities each season, but the Raiders ultimately become the most disastrous show on turf. Whether they pick up the fastest, the most controversial (Randy Moss at the time), or the most off-field drama, the Raiders could charge a lot of money for a front row seat to this show.

San Diego Chargers –  The Hall of Mirrors

Like the Hall of Mirrors where you have to get through a maze full of mirrors, the Chargers biggest obstacle last season was themselves. They were plagued by injuries and didn’t start winning until the end of the season when they finally got their heads straight.

As a division, the AFC West will probably improve this year, but each team is in a rebuilding phase to some extent. My prediction for how the division will play out at the end of the regular season goes like this:

1. Denver Broncos

2. San Diego Chargers

3. Kansas City Chiefs

4. Oakland Raiders