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The ‘D’ In This City Stands For Drama, Not Denver


Lots of links for you today, so here we go:

– 1 Bailey + 1 Bailey = 1 Bailey. That’s how it’s going to be in 2009.

– The Broncos are willing to do whatever possible to accommodate Brandon Marshall.

– Where might “The Beast” go if he leaves Denver? Baltimore is a confirmed possibility.

– Center Casey Wiegmann will remain a Bronco. He just signed a deal through 2010.

– MHR put together a nice piece on “Peyton Hillis, Hands and History.”

Who got the better end of the Broncos-Bears trade? The NFL Outsider thinks the Broncos did.

– Who will start on defense? Apparently, there’s a lot of competition.

Now for the random links:

– Athletes are mortals just like the rest of us, despite what they may think. However, they should be well equipped with a second set of commandments. Here are the “Ten Commandments For Today’s Athlete.” 

– If Las Vegas is in your cards in the near future, take a look at how to Bet Wisely in the City of Sin.

Scott Van Pelt + Tiger Woods = hilarity

– Chuck Liddell would totally kick Shaq’s ass in a fight, but here is Shaq choking Liddell.

– Because Donte Stallworth is big in the news right now.

– Same with Sammy Sosa.

– I’m pretty sure guys would like shopping with their wives a lot more if this happened on a regular basis.