Fan-Sided were asked to Fan-Sided were asked to Fan-Sided were asked to

Fan-Sided Predictions: Team By Team


Last week, lead bloggers from Fan-Sided were asked to rank all 32 NFL teams based on how they thought the season would end. Here is the composite ranking from all 32 bloggers:

1. New England
2. San Diego
3. Dallas
4. Indianapolis
5. Jacksonville
6. Pittsburgh
7. New Orleans
8. Minnesota
9. NY Giants
10. Cleveland
11. Philadelphia
12. Seattle
13. Green Bay
14. Washington
15. Tennessee
16. NY Jets
17. Houston
18. Tampa Bay
19. Carolina
20. Denver
21. Buffalo
22. Arizona
23. Cincinnati
24. Baltimore
25. St. Louis
26. Chicago
27. Detroit
28. San Francisco
29. Oakland
30. Miami
31. Kansas City
32. Atlanta

I had the Colts at the #1 spot, and the Broncos at the #18 spot. I played it conservatively. For a look at how each blogger did their rankings, check out this spreadsheet.