

Fat Man is Cut, Henry is Staying: Things are Looking Up for the Broncos


Travis Henry avoided a 1 year suspension today, but he will continue to be in the NFL’s substance abuse program (Rocky Mountain News). Only Lance Armstrong went through as much drug testing as Henry will undergo for the remainder of his career.

The Broncos made a couple of cuts today. The biggest, literally, is 350 lb fourteen year vet, Sam Adams. The guy who’s cereal bowl comes with a lifeguard had 17 tackles on defense this season, and did nothing to help the Broncos run defense. Cornerback, Jeff Shoate, was also cut today.

Mike Shanahan thinks that the Broncos can make the playoffs. He said “we have to have a little luck in there and we have to play much better than we’re playing, but there’s always a chance” However, Shanahan reacted very strongly when asked about Jim Bates’ (defensive head honcho) first year performance. He retorted, “if we don’t get it done, it comes back to me. Don’t worry about Jim Bates or the coaches or the offensive coaches. Talk about my situation…” (Rocky Mountain News). I don’t know Mike. You’ve proven yourself for over a decade. Bates still has some major improvements to make.