You Might Be a Die-hard Denver Bronco Fan if…. Part 2.1


So, another weekend without the NFL, scratch that; another weekend without Denver Bronco football!  As we settle into the long offseason and John Elway works on what the team will look like next season, I am continuing to share my thoughts on the Denver Broncos and anything orange and blue.  Please continue reading and feel free to share your thoughts on how the Denver Broncos impact your life – on and off the football field!

As I stated in a previous post, I have had a “project” in work for a few years where I have captured or documented real-life scenarios that definitely prove I am a die-hard Denver Broncos fan….. sometimes taking “fanatic” to a new level!  Some of the scenarios, actually most of them, have absolutely nothing to do with the actual game of football, but more about my passion for the colors orange and blue, as well as the pro football team from Colorado that proudly displays these two great colors. Below I have posted a few more of the scenarios and will continue to do so throughout the offseason.  Keep in mind as you read the items shared, they are all true but are done all in fun!

  • Via email, my office announced a 5S event (a Kaizen continuous improvement event to sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain – kind of what Elway and Gary Kubiak are doing now with the Broncos) to clean up the office and remove junk from the work areas. In my office, tucked away and out of sight was a framed Kansas City Chiefs little league jersey that my co-workers had given me as a gag gift at Christmas. Since 5S is intended to clean-up the office and remove junk, I gladly placed the framed jersey on the junk pile in the conference room and made sure everyone knew about it. After placing the jersey in the conference room, I immediately felt the weight, tension, and stress drift away to nothing, knowing there was nothing “red and yellow” in my office!
  • Anytime there is a difference of opinion, either at work or home, I feel like I can end the discussion with the statement “because I’m a Denver Bronco season ticket holder and you’re not”

Having Bronco season tickets for 20+ years is “leverage” – at least in your eyes!

  • There are two professional sports seasons – the Denver Bronco season and the Denver Bronco offseason
  • My son graduates from high school in two years from a school with the colors of red and white. Since I believe the only good thing about the color red is that it makes orange when mixed with yellow, I have already instructed my wife that the graduation cake has to be orange & blue because I will not spend my hard-earned money on anything that is primarily red. Thankfully, my son is not much into the “school color” thing, so I am confident that I will be able to get away with an orange and blue graduation cake. After all, if I choose to celebrate Christmas and Valentine’s Day with orange and blue, I see no reason why a high school graduation should be any different – even if it my sons graduation and not mine!

In my house, we will eat orange and blue cake….

  • Employee at work wears primarily red shirts to work one day and proceeds to have a tough day; my solution, as this workers supervisor, is to challenge him to wear orange or blue the next day and just watch how much better the day is!

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