NFL And Grey’s Anatomy Do Mix

This post is probably more interesting to the female readers. However, you guys may want to take note if your girlfriend/wife watches Grey’s Anatomy. If you can’t stand that she has to sit down every Thursday night to watch the show while you want to go out or flip the channel to ESPN for a little college football, then I’m here to save you. Here’s how you can compare the characters of Grey’s to the cast of characters in the NFL:

                                                                                                                                                                   Tony Romo as Derek Shepherd (a.k.a McDreamy): Every guy wants to be him while every girl wants to see him with less clothes on. His dark hair and infectious smile landed him a beautiful woman with a little baggage. Meredith Grey deals with her mother’s maladaptive parenting style while Jessica Simpson deals with a money/fame addicted father. Romo and Sheppard make headlines in the league/hospital on a daily basis. They’ve got the glamorous title in their respective positions. Romo as quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys and Sheppard as the head of neurosurgery at the #12 ranked hospital in the country. 

Terrell Owens as Mark Sloan (a.k.a. McSteamy): Everyone loves to hate the guy, but he makes big time plays on the field and on the operating table. Then, he’ll brag about it to anyone who will listen. Sloan is Shepherd’s best friend and confidant just like Owens is to Romo. Sloan and Owens speak their minds and they’re known for their flamboyant celebrations in the bedroom/endzone. As a wide receiver and a plastic surgeon, they know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and image is everything.

Eli Manning as George O’Malley: These guys had rookie/intern moments at the beginning of their careers that magnified their weaknesses. Manning could not lead the Giants past the Wild Card playoff game while O’Malley literally failed his intern exam forcing him to remain an intern for an extra year. They are the boys next door. Genuine, humble, and their fathers passively expect greatness out of them. Whether it’s a Super Bowl win or passing the intern exam, these guys succeed on their own time.

Chad “Ocho-Cinco” Johnson as Alex Karev: self-absorbed and overconfident best describe these characters’ personalities. Karev only wants to work on the cases that are interesting while Johnson only plays hard when the ball is being thrown his direction. Both guys pride themselves on their honesty and they tend to isolate themselves or hurt others when they’re unhappy. When things got tough, Johnson refused to attend Bengals related functions while Karev slept with a random woman in front of his on again-off again flame, Izzie. 

Roger Goodell as Richard Webber: NFL Commissioner or Chief of Surgery…both guys need to keep their employees on track. Whether dealing with Spygate or immature interns, they penalize misbehavior and work long hours in the office to ensure the success of the league/hospital. Since the beginning of the season, Goodell and Webber have enforced stricter rules in order to make their respective institutions run more effectively.

Peyton Manning as Preston Burke (appeared in seasons 1-3): They’re the ultimate professionals and receive national awards for their talents. Both guys cannot be rattled in the operating room or on the football field. They also can’t be rattled in real life whether it’s Burke putting up with Cristina Yang’s antics or Manning dealing with the pressures of succeeding like his father, Archie. Burke and Manning had injuries that they tried to hide in order to keep working at a competitive level. Burke concealed his hand tremor after being shot while Manning kept his second off season knee surgery a secret from the rest of the league.

So, there you have it. A way to relate NFL football to Grey’s Anatomy.
